Ruboryn Campaign Session 4

Here is session 4 of my 4e homebrew Ruboryn Campaign. Once again, no pictures. Sigh… this will be remedied in the second story arc for this group (in a session report or two)…

Session 4: Of Richly Merchants, A Righteous Shopkeep, and a Desert Farm Afire!

Cast of Characters

Adventuring Party members will be highlighted in this bold green color throughout the story:
Lakatosh: Male Human Bard
Thorn Dayereth: Male Shifter Warlock
Bodoka Vespana
: Female Human Fighter
Cildain Delvehammer: Male Dwarven Shaman
Torrin Steelfist
: Male Dwarven Warden
Narrash: Male Shifter Avenger

Current NPCs (highlighted in bold red throughout the story):
Fyrez the Oldest: Leader of Treemore Council, the party is suspicious of his motives and his attitudes
Glafeis and Taruma:Father and Daughter that run the Swimming Sword Tavern, from which the party was kidnapped
Selipsy: Informant the party was told to seek out (by Tafedis in the last session)
Percy Taglin: Informant the party was told to seek in Rabin
Aidley: Desert Farmer outside of Rabin

Places of Interest (highlighted in purple throughout the story):

Fasthor: Town to the north of Rabin, across the badlands
Lethscarat: Prison in Fasthor
Rabin: Small town at the base of the Northern Face of the Boiled Range

Creatures and inactive NPCs will be red, but not bolded

Quotes or anything needing emphasis will be highlighted in this blue color throughout the story…

Part I: Finding a Lost Companion

When we last left the party, they had just defeated a young white dragon and plundered its lair. During the plundering, Bodoka and Torrin went missing…

The party commences searching for Bodoka and Torrin in earnest, but decide to do so while they continue traveling towards Rabin (basically searching along the way). About two miles outside of the dragon’s den, the party stumbles upon what appears to be a group of bandits standing over the limp body of Bodoka. In the midst of the fight, Bodoka regains consciousness and joins in the fray, apparently unharmed. The party defeats the bandits and keeps one alive for questioning.

The bandit is found to be wearing armor with what appears to be a royal crest. Upon questioning he claims to be part of a royal guard contingent on a mission and even shows the party the royal seal etched into his armor. He claims that his party was on its way over the mountain pass and came upon Bodoka, stopping to help her. Upon seeing that she was not injured, they were discussing what to do. Fearing that leaving without her would be deadly for her, they were arguing about their decision when the party attacked them.

No one believes that the guard’s group just happened to stumble upon Bodoka, but they do believe that he is a royal guard, though with possibly nefarious intentions. When pressed further for information by the group, the guard claims confidentiality and refuses to disclose anything about his party’s mission, or who employed him.

He is very angry with the party for attacking his group and claims that now his mission will fail and he is better off dead, because he prefers death to returning disgraced. He claims it would be better to be executed now – a service which Narrash had generously offered in the midst of some grueling questioning.

The party argues about what to do with the guard, but cool heads prevail and Cildain and Thorn stop Narrash from sacrificing the man. They sketch a quick drawing of the royal patch on his armor and go about their way, leaving him on the mountain pass, alive but alone.

Among the bodies they also find 75 gold pieces, weapons not of enough quality to sell, and a silver necklace with an azure gem inset. None of them recognize the royal seal, but decide to ask around in Rabin.

As they travel, Bodoka tells the party about her abduction… While searching the white dragon’s trove, she came across a necklace with a pendant that she thought she recognized. Upon further inspection, she found the family seal of her former employer etched into the back of the pendant. When she was inspecting the face of the gem, she thought she saw someone out of the corner of her eye. As she stood there, with senses piqued, she thought she saw her charge (the child she was charged with watching, and whom she thought had perished) run off into a dark corner of the den. She walked over there to find the dark corner empty, and then she turned and was about to call out to her companions that something was amiss – and that is all she remembers, until waking up in the midst of battle.

After the battle, the party traveled without incident, and also without sign of Torrin, all the way to Rabin.

Part II: The ‘Village‘ of Rabin

After a few days travel, the party started to descend the last of the larger hills on the outskirts of the Boiled Range and entered the valley containing the town of Rabin. To the left they saw a breathtaking waterfall, approximately 10 meters wide with a drop of ~130 meters. When looking down to the base of the falls, they could see a large lagoon with a few buildings edging the far side. This is the Settlement of Rabin.

From their distance the settlement looked bigger than they had heard. Moving down the hill, getting closer to Rabin, they noticed that buildings and walkways that make up what appears to be the commercial district jut out into the lagoon on one side and form the edge of a relatively large town square with the other. Lush trees surround the square and they could see small clearings here and there in the woods. Smoke rose from several chimneys and small flags were flying from several buildings. There was no protective wall nor any main gates protecting or separating areas of the town.

Upon entering town, they were greeted by all manner of merchants selling wares. Mostly human, but many other races as well. Everyone was friendly and good-natured, and were willing to talk and answer questions. In the first two hours in Rabin, the party gathered the following information:

Rabin, and the surrounding regions, is an aristocracy ruled by Empress Meeg Kere, a youngish woman that is, as yet, unwed and therefore constantly hounded by suitors. The population purposefully allow rumors to persist that Rabin has a low population of 200, while, in actuality, therein reside about 900 persons [making it a relatively large town in this world]. Most local power is wielded by Mayor Nosolman Gaipa. Mayor Gaipa enforces the law of the land, though there is relatively little criminal activity.

Most of the town got rich due to the ample trade that occurs there. The craftsmen in the town are known for their fine Pelkur clothing, which of course, costs a pretty penny. The Empress takes a big cut of any profits, rather than tax the people, and the mayor takes a cut in exchange for protection. Everyone is doing so well that no one minds the fees, especially given the non-tax policy (if you’re a resident).

[background info: The area’s population is punctuated by an influx of exotic fur traders during the very short ‘soft season’. The soft season is a time when the normally harsh aridity of the climate seems to blow away and, though there is still very little precipitation, the earth becomes livable for a couple of short months. It is at this time that the ground becomes soft enough for a small furry creature, known as a Pelkur, to burrow out of the ground in search of a mate. Pelkur fur, being very rare and difficult to come by, fetches top dollar in wealthy circles and it is a sign of prosperity to wear a scarf made of fine, young pelkur.]

Each area of the town (the commercial waterfront, the slums, the center square, and the outskirts) is protected by about ten guards in hide armor made of stitched faux-Pelkur. They each carry short swords and are generally lazy since there is very little crime or disturbance in the town. The biggest crime in Rabin is harboring escaped criminals.

When asked about Percy, it seems that everyone in town knows and is fond of him. The party notes that this is quite a stark difference from the reaction they received when asking about Selipsy in Treemore. This is curious to them given that Selipsy is the one that told them to go meet Percy. They had no trouble finding Percy since everyone they asked knew where his shop was located.

When asking for information about him, they find out that Percy Taglin is a relatively well known fur and gem trader. His father was a locally famous Pelkur hunter and his mother a locally famous jeweler. Percy is neither a gifted hunter nor jeweler, but instead was gifted in business. After trying to be an apprentice hunter and then jeweler, and finding that he had no talent for either, he convinced his parents to let him do what he is naturally good at. After they conceded, he proceeded to grow his parent’s business 100-fold. Three years later they retired in style. Percy now runs the family business (Taglin’s Pelkur and Jewels) and uses hired hunters and jewelers – while he had no skill in generating items, he has a keen eye for value and only picks and commissions the finest items for sale.

Part III: Talking to Percy

When the party talks to Percy, they find him to be open, honest, and charming. While obviously well off, he doesn’t put on airs. The party sees Percy speak to everyone that he meets, whether street urchin or nobleman, with the same engaged interest. They suspect he may be a bit gay, but then they meet his beautiful wife and children – still, some of them weren’t convinced, particularly Lakatosh and Narrash.

He tells the party the following:
1. The Brotherhood of the Lost City is probably responsible for the slave harvesting taking place in Treemore and elsewhere. It is the organization that is responsible for the slave caravans and trading that happens in Rabin.
2. The craftsmen in Rabin, either out of fear or stupidity, preferentially trade their wares to members of the Brotherhood of the Lost City, but will not readily admit it, nor will anyone else making a profit from them.
3. As for the town guards, the job pays well for what little they do, and they are paid mostly for averting their eyes when Brotherhood members bring slave caravans through town
4. The ‘escaped criminals‘ that the mayor talks about are actually slaves trying to escape, but they are referred to as criminals so that the good people of Rabin can stomach it, and maintain an air of plausible deniability… they are deluding themselves, he thinks.
5. Percy is one of the leaders of the underground railroad operation that is taking place in Rabin. The railroad operates by hiding stolen slaves in caravans. One of the town guards is aware of the operation and is being paid off (and secretly harbors empathy for the slaves and so thinks he is doing the right thing).
6. The Brotherhood is bringing slaves en masse to Lethscarat, a trend Percy has noticed building exponentially only in the last 6 months
7. At first Percy tells the party that he can help them dispense of the calling gem, but he is surprised to see that it bleeds and comments that “it is worse than we thought.” He is obviously alarmed at the blood and refuses to touch the gem directly. He asks the party to complete a task for him which will lead to the gem’s destruction.
8. The task is to deliver something to a desert farmer named Aidley. The farm is a couple of days travel North East of Rabin. He tells them that Aidley will advise them about how to get rid of the gem for good. He then takes the bleeding gem and, without touching it directly, puts it in the bottom of an ornate scroll case. He places a ring and a parchment into the main compartment of the case.
9. Before leaving, the party asks about the royal seal found on the mountain pass guard’s armor. Percy doesn’t recognize it right away, but tells the party that he will ask around, discretely, and let them know what he finds when they return from Aidley’s place.

Part IV: Aidley’s Farmstead

The party leaves Rabin the following morning and travels through the desert in a north-easterly direction for two and a half days. As they approach the farm, they see what looks to be a normal farm, complete with a barn, chicken coop, animal corral, fields, haystacks, and a garden. While somewhat out of place for the middle of the desert, it seems to be rather fruitful. As they approached the property, a man came out of the farmhouse and waved at them. He was a late middle aged male human with sun weathered skin and a skinny frame. He was friendly and smiled a lot. “What can I do for you?” he asked, looking at the motley crew in front of him.

He speaks kindly to the party standing on his porch until they mention Percy, at which time he invited them into his home. He asked to see the items Percy sent.

He looks at the ring, does a strange movement with his hand and a small storage compartment on the side of the case pops open. He takes out and reads a very small, folded up piece of parchment and then shoves it into his mouth, chewing slowly. He then holds the scroll case in both hands and chants something under his breath. He twists open the top of the case, opens the main compartment and takes out the scroll. He silently reads the scroll, nodding his head as he does so. When finished, he is about to put the scroll back in, but looks again at the bottom of the case, upends it, and out falls the blood ruby. He sucks in his breath sharply and looks over at the group. He leaves the gem where it lay and talks to the group. After they finish talking he says that he can dispose of the gem, and then bends down and scoops it up with the scroll case. The party notices that he doesn’t touch the gem.

He tells them:
1. He doesn’t know much about what goes on in town, he sends his produce to Rabin via caravan.
2. Sometimes, when the caravan comes back, he has a guest to house and then send on in day or two, on a different caravan.
3. He doesn’t mind it because usually the guest is so happy to be helped out that they help him around the farm.
4. Usually he has very good yields with his fields, but lately, in the past two months, he has been having trouble. He has had trouble out by the haystacks. He asks the party to intervene by investigating the haystacks at dusk.

Aidley gives the party a tour of his farm and then retires to the house. The party positions themselves in what they feel are tactical positions and wait for something to happen at dusk. Bodoka gets impatient and walks over to a large hayroll. As she does so, a huge Firelasher rises from the ground and attacks her. As the party prepares to assist Bodoka, three flamesnakes slither into the hayfield from the surrounding desert and the battle is on!

During the harrowing battle several of the party members are injured, but they do prevail. As the battle winds down and the last of the creatures are vanquished, someone in the party notices that Aidley was watching the fight from his porch!

Thus End Episode IV of our Story…

Once again, Thanks to my players for allowing me to run 4e sessions every chance I get!  Next post I will be taking a detour and writing a review of the latest DnD 4e Supplement: Underdark (here’s a spoiler – It’s really good!)

Until next time, I wish you good gaming.

~DM Samuel

Note: This DnD 4e session was played on 7/31/2009.  This story has also been posted on the RPG Geek website as a session report.  Stay tuned for episode 5 of the Ruboryn Campaign in a few days!

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