Opportunity Actions: Races of Athas – Half-Orcs and Revenants

If you’ve made it this far, thanks. You’ve enjoyed my last two posts about Shadar-Kai and Warforged and Deva and Drow. If this is the first post you’re reading, welcome! Give those other two a try as well. If you like this one, the other two will entertain you as well. This post, as the title suggests, is about Half-Orcs and Revenants.

There are difficulties bringing both of these races into Dark Sun. First, with Half-Orcs, it is well known that orcs were wiped out during The Cleansing Wars, meaning that half of the Half-Orcs’ lineage is extinct. Second, the Raven Queen(or whatever god of death you apply Revenants to) is absent, just like all the other gods, so Revenants need some work.

I hope you enjoy what I’ve done here.

Half-Orcs (The Lost Tribes)

Half-Orc Gladiator

During the Cleansing Wars, orcs were hunted down to extinction. Uyness, the 5th Champion of Rajaat, believed she had cleansed every last drop orc blood from Athas. While it was true that there were no more orcs left alive, a tincture of orc blood still thrived. Uyness had neglected the numbers of half-breeds that were still roaming the land. Before anyone realized what was going on, some tribes of Half-Orcs disappeared into the Forest Ridge. It was believed they’d never be seen again.

In recent days, mysterious humanoid shapes have been seen skirting the edges of the Forest Ridge. It was discovered that these were indeed members of the Lost Tribes of the Half-Orcs who entered the Forest Ridge.

These are a broken people. The Forest Ridge is home to many dangerous creatures, not the least of which are the cannibalistic Halflings. The unsavory truth is that the Halflings began preying on the Half-Orcs. The Half-Orcs, in desperation, made arrangements with the Halflings that the weakest members of the tribes are killed, and then these sacrifices are given to the Halflings to keep them from hunting the Half-Orcs indiscriminantly. They hate Halflings with extreme prejudice, but are easily intimidated by them.

In terms of biology, these Half-Orcs breed true. When two Half-Orcs mate, the offspring is always a Half-Orc. If a Half-Orc mates with a Human, there’s about an equal chance of the offspring being either Human or Half-Orc.


Escaped Sacrifice

You were to be fed to the Halflings. Somehow, you got away. Did your tribe take pity on you, and send you away? Did you turn the tables on your would-be devourers, and get away? Your escape has not left you unscathed. You are constantly looking over your shoulder, always on the lookout in case the Halflings should find you. They won’t, but you can never be too sure. You’ve also gained a rather unhealthy distrust of others, wondering if people really mean what they say to you.

Associated Skills: Insight, Perception

Freedom Fighter

You are a survivor. You have seen the horror the Halflings have brought on your people, and you have made it through. Most importantly, though, you know that the tribes needn’t be held in the grip of those tiny hands, and it’s your mission to see them held no longer. You favor geurilla-style surprise tactics, but can use brute force when pressed.

Associated Skills: Athletics, Stealth


Undead are easy to find in a world where death hides in every shadow. The city of Bodach is teeming with all manner of reanimated monsters. Occasionally, although rarely, when the spirit of a murdered intelligent creature comes in contact with the necromantic energies of Bodach, and the force of will is great enough, the creature can form a new body. They are called Revenants.

All Revenants either come from Bodach or the surrounding area. Nowhere else in Athas is the concentration of necromantic energy quite so strong. Other undead in Bodach pay no mind to the Revenants, either because they are recognized as fellow undead, or because there are so few of them that they pose no real threat. Something drives Revnants to leave Bodach, and though many don’t realize it at first, the force that drives them is the unconscious need to avenge their own deaths. The question of whether or not they live on after vengeance is theirs really depends on the individual Revenant’s sense of retribution. Some consider their work to be done, and fade away into the sand. Others work to leave nothing of their killer or their killer’s operations behind. Still, others see themselves in grander terms as the embodiment of justice. This last group of Revenants can live on indefinitely, as long as there are wrongs to be righted. Lpi

The toughest part of all, of course, is for each individual to try to remember how they came back in the first place.

Some Revenants could be counted among the races that went extinct during the Cleansing Wars, and as such, have little knowledge of the world as it is now. This gives these Revenants a distinct disadvantage dealing with the world as it is now.

The flesh of Athasian Revenants frequently bears the effects of the wind and sand swept landscape. As a result, Revenants are rarely seen without some kind of facial covering, often a porcelain death-mask or something similar. This is as much for appearance as it is to prevent further damage.



You don’t come from Bodach proper. The harsh, sandy desert winds are something you’re much more familiar with. You might be of a colony, or you might just be a loner, attaining a level of survival from the desert itself. One thing is certain: You do not fear the desert, and feel it should fear you.

Associated Skills: Nature, Endurance


Finding yourself in Bodach, you knew you were truly alone. Even if another Revenant did dwell in this city, you’ve never seen it. You have ever been surrounded by the dead, although they certainly don’t act the part. It was everything you could do to get out of there, and, once you did, you had no clue what to do next. Being in the vicinity of such potent necromancy gave you insight into the city’s folk, and the need to circumvent the intelligent undead that thrive here gave you the ability to lie a bit more effectively.

Associated Skills: Arcana, Bluff

Cleansing War “Survivor”

You are one of the Vanquished. This should be reflected in your soul choice. Milennia gave passed since your kind roamed the land freely, and you avoid attention. You prefer to stick to the shadows that issued you forth, lest you inspire the powers that killed your people to come forward and begin killing anew.

Associated Skills: History, Stealth


Two more races in the can! be sure to check out my others, and Tell me what you think! Your comments are always welcome, and your threatened squares aren’t going to watch themselves!

Image Notes: The Revenant was taken from the cover of the album”Leprosy” by Death, and the Half Orc Gladiator was found here.


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