As you may know, I am a co-host, along with my esteemed colleague, Brandes Stoddard, of the Edition Wars podcast. This is a show where Brandes and I look at various aspects of Dungeons and Dragons through the editions, compare and analyze them, discuss what worked and what didn’t, and go on all sorts of digressions along the way. The podcast has released 78 episodes over the last 2 and a half years, and we are still going strong.
So What’s New?
In response to the recent One D&D playtest announcement, Edition Wars is planning a few new things in the coming year:
- We will be analyzing the One D&D playtest packets as they are released.
- We will be releasing a video version of each of these on You Tube at the same time as releasing the podcast version on The Tome Show feed.
- We will be slowly converting the older Edition Wars episodes to video format and releasing the back catalog of shows on You Tube – this will be a long process with no formal timeline.
We will be sure to announce it on twitter whenever a new episode is released in either format. Follow us there (@DMSamuel & @BrandesStoddard) or subscribe to the channel on You Tube.
You will see that I have also made some videos about Pathfinder 2e as I learn and play that system, so if you are PF2 curious, that is a great place to start. Also, all 42 sessions of my DnDeBrief campaign are now on YouTube as well as in podcast form on the Tome Show.
Thanks for Reading!
Thanks for reading my blog… You can also support my work by checking out my Rime of the Frostmaiden DMsGuild release – it is an ELECTRUM best seller called The Creed of Auril and contains information on the Church of Auril and descriptions of cult beliefs, behaviors, membership, and rationale. It also has 16 new spells, 2 new magic items, 6 new NPC statblocks, and over 12 detailed ways to add cultists and cult activity to the Ten-Towns area. You can also support me by clicking the banner below before you purchase things at DM’s Guild and DriveThruRPG (the image below contains an affiliate link).
Until next time, I wish you good gaming!