Wizards of the Coast hosted a Wizard’s Presents event on Twitch this morning, and let’s just cut to the chase… what’s happening with D&D next year?
What is all that?
Keys from the Golden Vault is meant to be a group of short heist adventures – akin to Candlekeep Mysteries I suspect.
Bigby Presents Glory of the Giants is like Fizban’s Treasury of Dragons, but for giants. And I have recently been informed this is written specifically for Jared Rascher! (that last part is a joke, people… but for real, that book is for Jared)
Phandelver Campaign is an expanded Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure book… so what that says to me is that they are discontinuing the original 5e starter set and releasing this book so that people still have access to the adventure, which consistently rates high on the list of best 5e adventures.
Book of Many Things is the next rules expansion/options book for 5e, on the same level as Xanathar’s Guide to Everything and Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything.
Planescape is… well, the popular Planescape setting released in 2nd edition AD&D but updated for 5e.
Other Announcements
One D&D. The next iteration/evolution/edition of D&D is being dubbed One D&D. What the heck does that mean? It means they are making it as backward compatible as possible – there is only one D&D and it is just D&D. The design team at Wizards of the Coast is trying to reduce the edition wars aspect of edition changes and at the same time acknowledge that you have to call it something. I suspect 5.5e or 6e just don’t sound good to them – they are going for a more unified game. Heck, they wanted D&D Next to drop the NEXT part and just be D&D when the playtest ended, but but then everyone started calling it 5e, so… I think they just want it so that people drop the ONE and call it D&D.
Playtest. One D&D playtest packets will be releasing frequently over the next few months so that they get feedback – the first one is TODAY at 3pm EST!!! Sign up to get info and be able to download it at D&DBeyond.
Messaging. The edition-change messaging with this announcement (and evolution of the game) is MUCH different than previous edition changes. This one is intended to welcome everyone into the game and let the fans know that no matter which edition they are playing, they are welcome into the D&D family.
Digital Tools. There is a 3D talespire style virtual tabletop in the works – it will use the Unity Engine and will be full-function for use with D&D.
Dragonlance Shadow of the Dragon Queen – the new D&D adventure book set in the world of Krynn, has great cover art, revealed during the stream. It is beautiful:
Spelljammer for 5e D&D is out!
Drizzt books getting special covers for the 35th anniversary.
D&D has a great new commercial made for fans in Japan.
Magic the Gathering Crossovers
The stream also had quite a few bits of news regarding Magic: the Gathering releases and crossovers for future release. Three main crossover products were mentioned:
- Lord of the Rings – they are gonna make so much $$$$$$…. holy crap.
- Warhammer 40k – if they do it well and it pleases the 40k fans, it will have a high probability to make $$$$$$.
- Dr. WHO and M:tG crossover? Okay, I could do with a Tardis M:tG card.
And that’s it… That’s what is going on! You can read more here: Wizards Presents Recap on D&D Beyond or watch the recording of the stream here: Wizards Presents 2022 video
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