First 4th Edition Post

Hail and Well Met!  Welcome to the first post of my newly minted blog.

I have a rough schedule laid out for the next few posts here, and I though it may be a good idea to give an overview of the types of things that will be posted here in upcoming posts…

1. I have recently been listening to many RPG podcasts and I will be discussing a few of them (my current favorites are RPGMP3 EPICS and Radio Free Hommlet)

2. I plan to talk a lot about my home-brew campaign setting and how I am developing it

3. DM tips and advice will be given generously (e.g. what do you do when you players don’t do what you expected)

4. Player advice will also be given generously

5. Rules discussions, especially some things that end up getting house-ruled because of vague-ness or my own disagreement with the expert’s ruling

6. New or modified magic items, powers, and feats (usually the ones I have homebrewed or had players request)

7. Anything that you want to see discussed

Please feel free to comment and suggest a topic that you would like to see addressed!

~DM Samuel

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