Online RPG Tools

Updated Dec 03 2020

(I culled dead links – if you find more, let me know!)

This list grew out of a post written by DMSamuel back in sept of 2011. If you have anything you would like added to this master list of Online RPG tools, send him an email at DnDeBrief AT gmail DOT com.

Virtual Tables and Shareable Screen Apps:

  1. Owlbear.Rodeo
  2. Whiteboardfox
  4. Foundry Tabletop
  5. WBO Whiteboard Online
  6. Flinga Collaborative Thinking
  7. Maptool – free, open source, has a learning curve
  8. Roll20 – popular, free, but more features if pay fee
  9. Astral Tabletop
  10. Arkenforge
  11. d20Pro
  12. Fantasy Grounds – currently updating to use unity engine
  13. Twiddla Online Whiteboard – shareable drawing space
  14. A Web Whiteboard – sharable drawing space
  15. ScreenMonkey Lite 
  16. BattleGroundsGames
  17. iTabletop 
  18. OpenRPG
  19. Qex VTT
  20. Site with a great list of virtual corkboards!

Dice Gadgets (free):

  1. Online Customizable Dice Roller
  2. Wizards of the Coast Dice Roller
  3. Rolz Online Diceroller
  4. Any Dice

VOIP (voice chat / video programs):

  1. Discord
  2. Big Blue Button
  3. Jitsi
  4. Whereby
  5. Skype
  6. Zoom
  7. Google Hangouts
  8. Ventrilo
  9. Teamspeak
  10. Zello (formerly Loudtalks)

Free Map Creation help:

  1. Hexographer (now Worldographer)
  2. Random Dungeon Map Creator
  3. Dungeonographer
  4. Inkwell Ideas Map Generators (dungeon, tavern, inn, etc)
  5. Autorealm Mapper Program
  6. Posterazor Map Tool
  7. Dave’s Mapper
  8. Pyromancers (Dungeon Painter)

Map Repositories:

  1. RPG Mapshare
  2. Dyson Logos Maps
  3. Dungeoneering map share
  4. Dungeons Unlimited

Campaign Management tools:

  1. Realmworks
  2. Obsidian Portal
  3. Epic words
  4. RPG Manager
  6. Scabard
  7. World Anvil
  8. Chronica
  9. Arcane Vault Assembly

Text Play by Post sites:

  1. Rpol
  2. RPGGeek
  4. Roleplayer Guild
  5. Myth-Weavers
  6. EN World

Miscellaneous & Chargen Tools:

  1. D&DBeyond
  2. Kobold Fight Club Encounter Builder for 5e D&D
  3. 5th edition SRD and another: 5eSRD and another: Open5e
  4. DonJon Random Tables
  5. Random Fantasy Name Generator (and other genres)
  6. D&D 5e Tools by Leugren
  7. The Homebrewery for 5e D&D
  8. Random Character Gen for older D&D Editions
  9. Mad Irishman (Character Sheets for many different games)
  10. Daniel’s Token Collection 1 (large file)
  11. Daniel’s Token Collection 2 (large file)
  12. Propnomicon How-To videos for making terrain and props
  13. 4e D&D Random Treasure Generator
  14. Gamma World (D&D) Character Generator
  15. PathGuy’s Star Wars Saga PC Generator
  16. Pathguy’s 4e D&D PC Generator
  17. 4e D&D Cardmaking tools
  18. 4e D&D Power2ool
  19. Ski’s 4th Edition Character Generator Or this alternate link: 4e CharSheetGen
  20. Dingle’s Games D&D 3.5 NPC Generator
  21. Dingle’s Games Pathfinder 1e NPC Generator

Help Finding Local Gamers: FIND GAMERS

Defunct Links (preserved here for posterity):

  1. GameTable
  2. Wizards of the Coast D&D Virtual Table 
  3. Dice Roller for Google Wave
  4. Grumble Mapper
  5. Gridmapper (Gridmapper tutorial)
  6. BatttleMapr
  7. Cartographer’s Guild
  8. Wizards of the Coast’s Map-A-Week Archive
  9. Phastinus
  10. RPGFO
  11. d6d20
  12. 4e D&D Encounter Planner
  13. Dungeon Master’s BattleScreen
  14. Custom Calendar Generator
  15. RealNPC fantasy NPC Generator
  16. Online Pathfinder Character Generator
  17. Gamma World (D&D) level 1 PC Generator
  18. WotC’s Character Name Generator
  19. G+ group
  20. Infrno
  21. Dice Roller MiniApp
  22. Catch Your Hare
  23. Invisible Castle
  24. Fantastic Maps
  25. 4e D&D Masterplan
  26. Full Suite Fantasy RPG Generator Tools
  27. RPG Attitude D&D 3.5 NPC Generator
  28. Klooge Werks – Free demo, Full license for fee
  29. Random Dungeon Creator (different from the above link)
  30. Random City Map Generator
  31. Random Inn Floor-plan Generator
  32. HeroLab Character Generator
  33. Ye Olde Map Maker
  34. Dundjinni Map repository

5 thoughts on “Online RPG Tools

  1. Nice list!! A couple of things I would add to the list are The Forge -VTT and and replace Google Hangouts with Google Meet unless you have reason not to, of course.

  2. Can I suggest another tool for Miscellaneous, for creating interactive books you can send to your players.

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