Prepping To Run The Halls Of Arden Vul

I am finally running a consistent game again, and it is fabulously fun. Now that I am running again, there are a lot of things I want to write about. So here I am, after more than a year, starting to post on RPGMusings again. The game I am running is Old School Essentials (OSE), […]

Running an RPG at a CON

RPG convention time is in full swing and that makes this a good time to give some advice to those who are thinking of running a game session at a CON. Here is a short list of my DO’s and DON’Ts for prepping to run a session at a CON. Pre-Generated PCs? Give EVERY pre-generated […]

One D&D Playtest Packet Analysis & Review

As you may know, I am a co-host, along with my esteemed colleague, Brandes Stoddard, of the Edition Wars podcast. This is a show where Brandes and I look at various aspects of Dungeons and Dragons through the editions, compare and analyze them, discuss what worked and what didn’t, and go on all sorts of […]

What’s Coming in 2023 for D&D and WotC

Wizards of the Coast hosted a Wizard’s Presents event on Twitch this morning, and let’s just cut to the chase… what’s happening with D&D next year? What is all that? Keys from the Golden Vault is meant to be a group of short heist adventures – akin to Candlekeep Mysteries I suspect. Bigby Presents Glory […]