The Recycle Bin – Up the Citadel Tower

In the tabletop world of 4e, there are plenty of factors a DM has to consider when making an exciting encounter.  The type, role, and number of monsters, the terrain the encounter occurs on or in, where the PCs and NPCs are placed when initiative is rolled, the resources the PCs should be expected to […]

The Sleeping Giant

I just got back from a long weekend on Isle Royale. It was tough to be so far from phone, internet, or any kind of communication. It did leave me with a lot of time to think and come up with ideas for new locations, monsters, hazards, and adventures. Just about any area of the […]

Opportunity Actions: Multi-Focus Campaigns

Ok, while my Tarrasque encounter is simmering down to a delicious little event, I’d like to talk about something I’ve long held a fascination for: the multi-focus campaign. If you listen to the latest Dungeon Master Guys podcast, Dave “The Game” does a pretty good segment that hits some of the basics of the multi-focus campaign. We’ve […]