I am finally running a consistent game again, and it is fabulously fun. Now that I am running again, there are a lot of things I want to write about. So here I am, after more than a year, starting to post on RPGMusings again. The game I am running is Old School Essentials (OSE), […]
The 4 Eras of the World of Greyhawk
I am starting preparations for my next campaign and it will take place in the Greyhawk setting. Since I will be running this campaign using Castles & Crusades, I will be writing a lot about Greyhawk and C&C, the changes, tweaks, and houserules I will be using, as well as the setting itself. In this […]
The Case For Mystara in 5e D&D
I was a guest on the Round Table podcast last night and we speculated about future published settings for D&D 5e. There are various and sundry reasons for and against every setting we discussed, but I don’t want to go into those today. What I want to do today is make a quick case in […]
10 Magic Formulations For Your D&D Game
In the spirit of lists of cool stuff for your game, I present to you 10 formulations your village herbologist or alchemist may be able to brew up for your D&D game. I really like it when a potion or concoction has a name other than “potion of speed” or “potion of healing” and so […]