Opportunity Actions: Races of Athas – Deva and Drow

Moving on after my last post about the Shadar-Kai and Warforged, I’ll be tackling the Drow and Deva this time. Like last time, I’m writing up two races for similar reasons. First, the Drow, like the Shadar-Kai, are not in the setting, but fit smoothly with some hacking around. Second, the Deva, like the Warforged, […]

Opportunity Actions: Races of Athas – Shadar-Kai and Warforged

Looking through some Dark Sun materials this week, I was surprised to hear people say, “So, which races will you allow?” I pitched this idea over at Wizards, and they told me that someone was already working on it. Everyone’s free to wait until that article publishes, or read it here, sooner. WOTC’s loss is everyone’s […]