All of this talk of DnDNext incorporating elements from older editions has me looking at the older pieces of my collection. I have several products written for older editions that are deserving of a review and that is what I will present in this series. Behold the first entry in the RetroReview series: The Isle […]
Designing The Chosen of Magic
In my campaign we introduced the idea of Weavescars about 20 levels ago. In the 4e Forgotten Realms there are spellscars, which people are generally familiar with has a possible impact of interacting with spellplague. In my campaign I explained active pockets of spellplague as being a constant battle between wild magic an ordered (or […]
#DNDNext Spellcasting. Making everyone happy by bridging editions?
Inspired by a number of D&DNext “I want” threads in reference to spellcasting, I had an idea. Many probably know that I’m protective of spellcasting classes, and a detractor of the old-style Vancian magic system. I far prefer 4E’s approach to magic that still rings of Vancian roots but moves away from it, albeit too […]
Roles, Classes, and Themes! Oh My! A #DnDNext conversation
I’m going to present a potentially radical idea that I’m sure many will scoff at, but it’s an idea that has been rolling around in my head for a while now. I’m no fan of Roles as they were presented in 4E, and I’ve made that fairly clear in a number of places over the […]