The Recycle Bin – Angel Beats and Speaking Well As The Dead

So it’s been a while. I would like to say I’ve been deep in a secluded underground vault, surrounded by nothing but my beloved Pez dispensers, exposing myself to as much media as I could to transmutate into Recycle Bin posts for you all.  But there was this issue with my brother, a suit of […]

Reasons & Resources for Playing Pen & Paper RPGs Online

For many people, finding a consistent group of players with which to enjoy an RPG, especially for a long campaign, is a difficult, if not completely insurmountable task. Why might a person want to play online? What are the benefits and advantages to doing such a thing? What tools are available to players? I got […]

Thoughts on the Dungeon World Basic Game

Before you do anything else, I want you to go read DM Samuel’s post about Apocalypse World, located here. Done? Okay. The reason I do that is because Dungeon World is what happens when D&D and Apocalypse World get together and spawn a new game. The game really has an old school D&D sensibility to […]

Being A Better Player

There are scads of blogs, forum posts, podcasts, and other things that are devoted to being a better GM for your game. This very site is no different and that’s okay because organizing and running a game can be difficult and people need all the help that they can get. However, you rarely see anything […]