If you’re not following the online comic, Basic Instructions, by Scott Meyer you’re missing out. Each comic is a four panel dialog to illustrate an ironic way to go about doing something. In a recent comic Scott explains how to create a Tale of Suspense. The gist of the joke is how to create a […]
Opportunity Actions: Woot! Really? No, Really…
Looking at woot.com today for last-minute deals (didn’t really find any I could use, in case you’re curious), I found this little gem written by Randall Cleveland. Head over there if you like, but I’ll tell you: It’s a point-by-point breakdown comparing 4th Edition D&D to The Phantom Menace, and not exactly a glowing review of […]
Evolution of an Executioner – Class Design & Playtesting
– Core vs Essentials Assassin Builds Sometimes it’s interesting to see the changes that happen in the course of the development of a class. WotC has given players of 4e the chance to see several classes before being finalized, but none has changed more than the Executioner/Essentials build of the Assassin. – – I’ve played […]
Special Free Holiday Delve!
Holidays mean many things… family, joy, faith, thankfulness, and FREE DELVES!! I have been working on a secret project for all of you. Along with Tracy from the SarahDarkmagic Blog, Jeff from the Tome Show, and Jeremiah from McCoy’s Geeky Emporium of Thought, I have been writing a very special holiday delve for you. This […]