This weekend, the 8th-10th of October my wife (the +1 Wife of Awesomeness) and I attended the New York Comic-Con, normally my big con outing of the year, and our one annual vacation. Also, I always make it a point to swing by the Wizards of the Coast booth, because, if nothing else, it ensures […]
Opportunity Actions: Races of Athas – Shifters and Wilden
Ok. I hope I’ve been making a decent impact with these posts. My theme, such that it is for this post, is geographical in nature. These two races are inextricably connected to the lands where they originate, and I thought that important to their identities as I adapt them to Dark Sun. The Challenges Shifters […]
Castle Ravenloft Review
Second (or maybe equal) to my love of RPGs is my love of board games. When these two worlds intersect, it is a time of joy for me. I keep games like Hero’s Quest, Runebound, and Descent on standby. Like those games, Castle Ravenloft is about exploring a dungeon with fantasy-themed characters in order to […]
Opportunity Actions: RPGKids Review
Today, I’m reviewing RPGKids by Enrique Bertran, aka the NewbieDM (see the title if you didn’t already know that). It is a role-playing game geared at ages 4-7. Initial Impressions As of this point, I have not yet read it. I want to put out my expectations before diving in. I have a three and […]