Adventure Hook 015 – God's Lightening

I’ve done it again and fallen behind on my Adventure Hooky Goodness Personal Challenge.  Often it’s not that I haven’t written the hook, it’s more-so my inability to get time to format and upload it.  I think what I will do to make it easier on myself is to post hooks twice a week.  So […]

How to Find a Gaming Group

I have been on hiatus for a week, and I apologize for that.  While I am constructing the next few Adventure Hooks, I have this post for you to peruse.  This was written in response to a person on a message board I frequent asking about how to find a regular RPG group, and then […]

Why I Role-Play

Why do I role-play?  I’ve been thinking about this lately and I think it may warrant a short essay on my part.  I wonder if I revisit this every 6 months or so if the reason(s) will change?  I mean, aside from the obvious, “it’s fun!” and “gives me an outlet for my creative voice” […]

Adventure Hook 014 – The Tournament

I’ve gotten a bit behind due to circumstance beyond my control, so today, in an effort to catch up with my schedule of adventure hooks, I bring you a triple threat – Adventure Hooks 012, 013, and 014 all in one day.  AH012 and AH013 were already posted, so here is AH014… – ADVENTURE HOOK […]