The Recycle Bin – Smash TV, 4e, and The Short Rest

“Good luck.  You’ll need it.” You darn kids who won’t get off my lawn might not recall hearing a synthesized, original-series-Cylon-like voice shout that admonishment at you, won’t recall the odd pause between the sentences that almost veered into Antici…pation territory.  Won’t recall seeing the arcade game speaking this strange tongue with two joysticks for […]

Waiting On…line

The opinions and views expressed in the following post are those of AlioTheFool only and do not reflect those of RPGMusings or any of its staff beyond AlioTheFool.

I was debating writing this post. I’ve clogged up RPGMusings quite a bit lately with rants, and I figured this was just one more for the pile. Yet, I think this really needs to be written out in a forum with more space than one such as Twitter allows.

We’ve all heard the Dungeons & Dragons insider news by now. The digital tools are going to a web-based-only format. Support for the standalone Character Builder and Monster Builder will be discontinued. This announcement caused a massive rift in the D&D online community. My Twitter stream was inundated with tweets happy, angry, and the gamut of emotions between them on the day of the announcement.

One style of response has been repeated a lot, and it’s the one I want to focus on here. There is a sizeable contingent of people who are saying they’re in “wait-and-see” mode in regard to this new tool and others should follow their lead. These people are willing to give Wizards of the Coast the benefit of the doubt until after they’ve had a chance to play with the new tool.

I get it. Patience is a virtue, and generally I agree. It’s hard to knock something you haven’t yet seen, at least with any credibility.

Unless you have seen a pattern of behavior has developed.

Opportunity Actions: A Thief is Vindicated

Lately, I’ve been noticing a trend in D&D/Role-Playing related materials, be they blogs, podcasts, and similar things. That trend is theft. Please don’t mistake me here. I’m not accusing anyone of plagiarism. It’s not that kind of theft. I mean theft in the sense that any story idea is available, and there’s no reason not […]