My Game is in Trouble – Help Me Out!

A reader responded to a post I made yesterday with a “Help My Game” plea.  I deemed this topic and the example posed good enough for its own post.  Without further ado, here is Kaliam’s original comment, followed by my reply: I need help please! I’m running a campaign of a game I made with […]

Never Let Them Win!

– Even if we set aside the question of whether or not a player can actually win D&D, the title of this post makes a strong statement.  Today’s post is about the perils of invoking a railroad in order to tell a story you want the players to experience, and then letting the players win […]

Worldbreakers: Sheemish and the Thousand Dream Army

First off, if you’ve not heard of a Worldbreaker, get ye to the At Will Blog and bask in the glow of Quinn Murphy’s zany and genius idea to improve the 4e solo monster.  Worldbreakers and their for-the-moment neglected cousins Lawbreakers incorp0rate a structure that change the pace of the counter and make the monster […]

Opportunity Actions: Red Box Play Report (Thurgenar’s Take)

After much anticipation, I got a chance to play in a Red Box scenario engineered by our own DM Samuel, the payoff to RPG Musings’ Red Box Haiku contest. I was one who volunteered to play and be recorded for an actual play podcast of the event. (I’ll post a link when it becomes available.) […]