Opportunity Actions: Races of Athas – Shifters and Wilden

Ok. I hope I’ve been making a decent impact with these posts. My theme, such that it is for this post, is geographical in nature. These two races are inextricably connected to the lands where they originate, and I thought that important to their identities as I adapt them to Dark Sun. The Challenges Shifters […]

Opportunity Actions: Races of Athas – Gnomes and Shardminds

This post is purely about the challenge. My previous posts have had their own individual challenges, and in fact it’s easy to say this entire exercise has its foundation in overcoming obstacles. The fact here is that most of those other races were easier to justify. That being said, I’m excited to look the impossible […]

The Recycle Bin – Up the Citadel Tower

In the tabletop world of 4e, there are plenty of factors a DM has to consider when making an exciting encounter.  The type, role, and number of monsters, the terrain the encounter occurs on or in, where the PCs and NPCs are placed when initiative is rolled, the resources the PCs should be expected to […]

Opportunity Actions: Races of Athas – Half-Orcs and Revenants

If you’ve made it this far, thanks. You’ve enjoyed my last two posts about Shadar-Kai and Warforged and Deva and Drow. If this is the first post you’re reading, welcome! Give those other two a try as well. If you like this one, the other two will entertain you as well. This post, as the […]