Running a Story-Driven 4e D&D Game

I was doing my normal weekend reading of blogs and noticed that @theweem had posted a response to the 2nd episode of the 4 Geeks 4e podcast (on which I am a host, plug, plug).  In the podcast, the hosts answer the question, “Why do we play 4th edition D&D?”  Weem responded to the question […]

Here be treasure! But not for ye!

I dislike treasure. But I love loot. What do I mean? Simple. When I play games, whether D&D or video games, I love to “power up.” I love the feeling of glee that comes from picking up a new shiny sword, or a suit of armor that is both light and sturdy. Give me a […]

The Recycle Bin – Shell Creatures

I’m not a very original person.  Creative, possibly, but not original.  I took to heart what my 12th grade English teacher Virginia Olga Wortinski told me all those years ago, “Little ones, there are no new ideas.  Everything’s already been thought of by people smarter and better than you.”   Vow, as she asked we called […]

Opportunity Actions: Tarrasque Workshop #1 – How Big is the Tarrasque?

  So, this came up on Twitter: with the release of the Orcus miniature, and Monster Manual 3’s Allabar, Opener of the Way, what is the actual size of the Tarrasque? Seems like a simple question, but the answer, as always, is so much more.  Frighteningly enough, I think this discussion is leading me to […]