Semi-Cursed Magic Items

Although cursed items in 4e are still around, they seem to have lost their game-ruining panache. I think fun and heroism are a great part of the 4e philosophy, however I’d like to see cursed items make their way back to the table. An easy way to inroduce cursed items without punishing your plaers is […]

Opportunity Actions: Review of Bloodsand Arena

So, Father’s Day came and went, and what do I have to show for it?  I’m learning how to make beer, that’s pretty awesome.  Oh yeah, and it was Free RPG day. The wise folks at WOTC put together an adventure for Free RPG day, called Bloodsand Arena. The release of Bloodsands Arena is a […]

Blog Carnival: Overpowered Sandboxes and Just-Right Rails?

This is my response to the blog carnival topic started on Twitter by @ThadeousC.  Here are the rules: 1. Your post must be on topic. 2. If you wish to participate in this blog carnival, please post a comment saying so and you will have 24 hours to write and post your response (if you […]

Malevolent Mines – A Spontaneous, Con-Style Delve

I ran a spontaneous online game last night via skype, inviting players I did not previously know for a 3-4 hour session. I planned to run a short delve using the maps from the Dungeon Delve book but with a different storyline.  Because none of us knew each other before the game began, I am […]