Gaming Styles Clarified

I received lots of feedback about my gaming styles post.   I really appreciate all of you twitter friends that responded, as well as those that emailed me or left comments on the site. I truly appreciate hearing your thoughts.  In listening to all of the feedback two things have become abundantly clear to me… 1) […]

4e D&D Game Styles – How Does the DM Decide?

One of the suggestions in Chapter 1 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide (DMG) is to inform your players of the style of game you will run before the game starts.  This is suggested so that the players can are prepared for the world in which their PCs will be living, and I think it is […]

4e DMG Chapter by Chapter – CH 1 How to be a DM

Hello Dear Readers – today I am unfurling a new feature series here on the blog.  It’s called Chapter by Chapter, a series in which I intend to go through the 4e rule-set one chapter at a time and talk about some of the important parts of those chapters. I think the Dungeon Master’s Guide […]

Paragon Tier Game Session 01

My regular group started a new 4e game tonight. We decided to go with the Paragon Tier since we haven’t really done a lot in that level range before (most of our adventures have been in the Heroic Tier). – I started the session with a cooperative party building exercise. I describe my method in […]