Martial Power 2 FREE

Hello everyone out there in Gamer Land. I just wanted to drop you a short reminder that you can win a free, brand new copy of Martial Power 2 by doing just two short, simple things… Here’s what you have to do to enter: 1) Add a comment to this thread requesting to be entered […]

How To Get More Role-Playing From Your Players

A hot topic in RPG circles, well, at least it’s hot on twitter with me and my twitter buddies today, is how to get more role-playing from your players.  Here are a couple of pieces of advice and one way to reward players, possibly causing more future role-playing on their parts… – 1) Encourage your […]

Adventure Hook 015 – God's Lightening

I’ve done it again and fallen behind on my Adventure Hooky Goodness Personal Challenge.  Often it’s not that I haven’t written the hook, it’s more-so my inability to get time to format and upload it.  I think what I will do to make it easier on myself is to post hooks twice a week.  So […]

Adventure Hook 014 – The Tournament

I’ve gotten a bit behind due to circumstance beyond my control, so today, in an effort to catch up with my schedule of adventure hooks, I bring you a triple threat – Adventure Hooks 012, 013, and 014 all in one day.  AH012 and AH013 were already posted, so here is AH014… – ADVENTURE HOOK […]