Adventure Hook 010 – The Fishing Village

I’ve reached the double digits! – ADVENTURE HOOK 010 Location: A large (for a village) fishing village on the coast (of an ocean or a lake) in a temperate region of the world in which your PCs reside. – Situation: One week ago, the last major storm system of the season hit the coast.  Since […]

Adventure Hook 009 – The Shirt

Whoops – forgot to post publish this to the site before bed last night… sorry, but hopefully you will like it anyway. – ADVENTURE HOOK 009 Location: Where-ever the party is about to find their next treasure parcel. – Situation: When the party is gathering the valuable items from their next treasure parcel, they discover […]

Adventure Hook 008 – Pet Defective

In my ever evolving quest to bring you an adventure hook per day, here is #008, Pet Defective: – ADVENTURE HOOK 008 Location: A town large enough that a rich noble/wizard/benefactor has a permanent home there, and is old enough to have a demanding, pre-teen-age daughter. – Situation: The daughter of said rich noble has […]

Adventure Hook 007 – Shaken, Not Stirred

At the twitter prodding of @illusivedreams (Thanks Dude! – credit where credit is due!) I have decided that Adventure Hook 007 should have a decidedly Bondish feel. – ADVENTURE HOOK 007 Location: Region of the continent where 5-7 towns are reachable within a day or two or each other. – Situation: The party’s main benefactor […]