Adventure Hook 006 – A Heck of a Hangover!

Welcome to day six of my personal Adventure Hook challenge.  Hopefully these are amusing and/or useful to you.  My goal is to provide inspiration or offer a quick side story for your game when something unexpected happens and you need a small plot with which to run… – ADVENTURE HOOK 006 Location: Small village with […]

Adventure Hook 005 – A Goblin's Dilemma

I thought an adventure hook featuring a group of creatures would be a fun thing to write, so here it is: – ADVENTURE HOOK 005 Location: A campsite a few miles from the nearest town, where the party has bedded down for the night. – Situation: A small, young, emaciated goblin stumbles into the camp […]

Adventure Hook 004 – The Convention

– In honor of PAX East, today’s hook features a convention! – ADVENTURE HOOK 004 Location: A large mercantile convention at which merchants display their wares to craftsmen and businesses.  This is not the type of place open to the public, but is where the “wholesale” prices of goods and supplies are set by the […]

Adventure Hook 003 – Herbalist Healing

In my young quest to post an adventure hook every day for one year, I bring you this lovely little ditty about an NPC in need… – ADVENTURE HOOK 003 Location: Begins in a town the PCs happen to be in, but goes into the wilderness surrounding the town. – Situation: The local herbalist, who […]