Adventure Hook 001 – Espionage!

I have decided to start a project that will keep me updating this blog as frequently as I can.  To that end, I have a goal of posting an adventure hook every day. For a year.  Yes, pretty bold for a guy that usually only updates his blog once a week, but I have some […]

Hammerfast review – now with Pictures!!

[Note: I realized I didn’t put pictures into my original review, so I have added theme here (dumb newbie blogger mistake!).  Please note that all images were taken by me, with my own digital camera, and they are of the product I purchased myself.  The artwork and names used in published Dungeons and Dragons materials […]

Virtual Table Top and DDi

No, this post is not going to give you an update on the status of WotC’s Virtual Table Top Program.  Sorry to disappoint you.  I know that some people are eagerly awaiting the announcement that it is complete and will be rolled out on a specific day.  I, unfortunately, cannot give you that news. — […]

Win a Free Copy of Martial Power 2

Hello everyone out there in Gamer Land. I have decided to celebrate GM Day by sponsoring a contest.  You can win a brand new hardbound copy of the new 4e supplement MARTIAL POWER 2!! Here’s what you have to do to enter: 1) Add a comment to this thread wishing me a Happy GM Day! […]