Ruboryn Campaign Session 5

Here is session 5 of my 4e homebrew Ruboryn Campaign. If you haven’t been reading along, you can go back and catch episodes I through IV, posted on 1/14, 1/15, 1/19, and 1/24 of this year (2010). Cast of Characters Adventuring Party: Lakatosh: Male Human Bard Thorn Dayereth: Male Shifter Warlock Bodoka Vespana: Female Human […]

Short and Quick First Glance Review of Martial Power 2

This is, as the title states, a very short preliminary review of Martial Power II, which was just released by Wizards of the Coast, on February 16th, 2010. — I picked it up today and it looks extremely interesting.  Based upon my quick first glance through the tome, I think it is well worth it.  […]

Raise Dead and the TPK

A couple of weeks ago I was playing in a 4e game which ended in a TPK.  That’s Total Party Kill for those of you not current with the lingo. A couple of bits of background info regarding the group… 1) This was the final session of a relatively long running campaign (more than two […]

How to Start a Campaign

I wrote this on another forum in response to a new DM trying to figure out what to do with the characters at the start of a campaign.  In other words, how do they meet or already know each other, and how did they end up in this place at this time?  He was worried […]