Underdark: A Review

Underdark by Rob Heinsoo and Andy Collins (Copyright 2010, Wizards of the Coast, L.L.C.) “The physical substance and spiritual energy of the Underdark are raw, mutating, and unfinished.  Most surface creatures that cross into the Underdark gradually begin to sense the alien nature of their surroundings.  The specific sensation or emotion experienced by each surface […]

Ruboryn Campaign Session 4

Here is session 4 of my 4e homebrew Ruboryn Campaign. Once again, no pictures. Sigh… this will be remedied in the second story arc for this group (in a session report or two)… — Session 4: Of Richly Merchants, A Righteous Shopkeep, and a Desert Farm Afire! Cast of Characters Adventuring Party members will be […]

Ruboryn Campaign Session 3

Here is a recap of session 3 of my homebrew Ruboryn Campaign. Once again, no pics – sorry – soon I will have pics for you. This was a long session (5 hours!) and had a lot of great role-playing!  I spruced up my formatting for this one – hopefully it’s not too hard on […]

Ruboryn Campaign Session 2

Here is a recap of session 2 of the Ruboryn 4e campaign. Once again, I didn’t have a camera, so no pics – that will be remedied in the next set of sessions for this campaign. I will start with a formal introduction to the characters, since my first session report only gave you descriptions: […]