Ruboryn Campaign Session 1

I didn’t have my camera for the first few sessions of the Ruboryn campaign, so you will have to use your imagination and picture the action as you read… Part I: In the Swimming Sword Tavern As our story opens, we find ourselves observing the Town of Treemore. Many people are sitting in the Swimming […]

Session Report from DM's Perspective: DCC#59 Mists of Madness

This is a detailed Session Report of a run through Goodman Games’ DCC#59: Mists of Madness.  This is the companion session report that accompanies the recent review of the adventure in my last post (and is also posted on RPG Geek. CAUTION: This report includes spoilers! If you plan to play a PC in this […]

Review: Dungeon Crawl Classics #59: Mists of Madness

Hello to everyone out there in RPG-land and welcome to DM Samuel’s RPG Musings.  This week’s post is a review of a one-shot adventure I ran a few weeks ago for my usual gaming group.  I’m going to start by giving you my overall impressions after reading the adventure, and then there will be a […]

Thrifty RPG Supplies Part I: Tokens and Terrain

Hello to all of you gamers out there in RPG-land.  I apologize for the long delay in posting here.  I’ve been dealing with some recent personal tragedy and haven’t been able to spend as much time as I would like writing and gaming.  But… since I dislike posts that apologize for not posting, let’s get […]