Review – Black Rock Bandits

Black Rock Bandits is a new, 30 page, adventure written by Tracy Hurley, aka the infamous Sarah Darkmagic, and intended for a group of up to six level 1 PCs. This adventure is part of the 6 Pack Adventure series from Postmortem Studios. 6 Pack Adventures are apparently intended to give a DM everything he […]

Dazed and Confused

It has been a while since I’ve been able to play any D&D, but that hasn’t stopped me from thinking about it every day. Something that I’ve made a stink about in the past and which still tweaks my nerves is the subject of the conditions labeled “Dazed” and “Stunned.” I think I may have […]

The Recycle Bin – Ikaruga and Risk/Reward Zones

Ah, Ikaruga, so much 4e content to mine for in one simple 5 stage bullet hell game. For those not familiar with Ikaruga, it was a vertical shooter released for the Dreamcast back in 2001.  It shared much with its shooter cousins, you were a spaceship, you shoot things, they try and shoot you down.  You had […]

A Different Sort of Background Bonus

The background bonuses introduced in the PHB2 are one of the best things about what is arguably one of the best D&D4e books. I have always endorsed the idea that players should get some kind of reward, even if only a small one for having a character background. Even if a player doesn’t expand or […]