What are Hit Points and How Does Severe Damage Make Sense in 4e?

The idea of hit points has been around since the inception of Dungeons & Dragons. In their simplest form, hit points are a way to keep track (numerically) of how well a character is doing physically at any given time, an especially important thing to know during heated battles. It is a value that represents […]

Crowd Control – DMing with a Large Group

I recently added two new players to my Dnd 4e group, up from 6 to 8. Actually, one of my original 6 was gone all summer, so in practice it seemed like we went from 5 to 8. This was shocking, but not devastating and I think I can make it work. It is going […]

Saving Throw Mechanic Angst

One of the things that the developers did in 4e Dnd that I wasn’t sure I would like (or have an easy time adjusting to) was the change in saving throw mechanics. I know there has been a lot of discussion regarding these changes, but I think it is important enough conceptually that I need […]

Get Your Game Session Out of a Rut

Ever been running a game and your players just seem to be going along in a rut – not trying anything new?  Sometimes people get into a dull spot and don’t seem to have the energy to bring to the table – and it shows in their lack of enthusiasm.  One way to get your […]