Review: Adventurer's Vault 2

As you know from my last post, I recently picked up the Adventurer’s Vault 2 (AV2) at my local gaming store and I have been trying to get enough time to look at it and write a worthwhile review.  Well, at long last, here it is… Overall impressions: My first impression upon leafing through the […]

Review: DDM Monster Manual Legendary Evils

Wow – haven’t posted in a few days – I apologize for that.  I’ve been in the midst of a most terrible head cold.  I believe the worst has passed and I can now get back to the business at hand. Adventurer’s Vault 2 was just released!!!!!  I decided to go down to my FLGS […]

How to Avoid the Railroad

There are several reasons why I find it fulfilling to write my own campaign adventure arcs, but the one that is probably the most important is that it makes it easier to avoid the railroad.  What is the railroad?  That is the act of forcing your players into a certain course of action and not […]

World Building 1.3: Gods and Mythology Tips

Here are some things to think about when generating your pantheon and creation story: 1. If there is a good aligned god, there should be an evil aligned god.  You can be symmetrical and do a on-for-one type layout; one major evil god for each major good god, as well with minors.  Or you can […]