Opportunity Actions: Races of Athas – Gnomes Revisited

Here I am, once again diving into a series. I want to go back to my Races of Athas series, and clean things up a bit. I’ve had some time to think about a few of these, and I think I can improve on what I’ve written. I hope you see these as improvements, too. […]

The Recycle Bin: Aberrant Nature and My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

Warning: This post will have spoilers about the larger My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic canon. Part 2 of My Little Pony Week here at RPGMusings is about horror. Well, maybe not specific instances of horror, like the film Event Horizon or Thief’s Return to the Cathedral level, or specific fears of PCs to let […]

The Shoe’s On The Other Hoof Now

Lady geeks of the RPG world, this is primarily directed to the guy geeks out there. Sorry. However, I’m going to make a few assumptions about some things, so any corrections or comments you have for me to clarify or correct me would be most welcome. Guy geeks out there, listen up. There’s something we need to talk […]