How I Parcel Out Treasure

Since 4e came out, I’ve seen endless discussion on many of its aspects like monster damage and class powers, but it’s been awhile since I’ve heard much about treasure parcels. Here’s the brief summary for those of you who don’t normally GM (like me): The idea of parcels is that along with the standard 10 […]

Opportunity Actions: Put Down The Dice!

This past weekend, I ran Encounters at PAX East. I had the time of my life. It felt like DM Boot Camp, and, in a lot of ways, it truly was. I ran one group after another, watching different players create different group dynamics, frequently with the same group of characters. Seeing these different interpretations […]

Party Crasher of the 3rd Kind

It’s weird hearing those you communicate with or even game with online hint about what they’re working on. I skipped all of 3.x edition, and the latter half of 2nd, so when I got back into the 4e branded saddle, I had missed out on open licenses, splat books, and 3rd party publishing. For the […]

3 Ways To Make The End Of The Arc Awesome

On Friday night my face-to-face 4e D&D group met for the final session of the current campaign arc. This session is the culmination of 9 months of play for this small group and after this we are adding two new players (one brand new to D&D and one new to 4e). The group is in […]