Opportunity Actions: Dwarves of Shallowgorge – Campaign Builder

Deciding that it’s never too soon to turn a compelling story into a game, I’m moving forward with a campaign model involving miners trapped in a collapse. I’m going to walk through my process, detailing elements that inspire me. My next post about this will be an actual campaign outline going from start to finish.

Aspects of GMing: DFRPG vs D&D

As many of you know, I am a huge D&D fan. I have played for many years and I love the game. Since I recently started GMing a Dresden Files RPG game, I have been reflecting on the differences in running these two games. As such, I thought it may be appropriate to discuss some […]

The Recycle Bin – ME2: Starting with the End

Ever get obsessive about a game?  Not just “This is the best game of the year” level but spending every last waking moment either playing the game or thinking about playing the game when you can’t be playing the game?  This winter break my buddy and I probably played 60 games of the board game […]

Infernal Ire

For Christmas this year my wife bought me Dante’s Inferno. Not the poem, the video game. Yes, I know, I’m about a year late to the party but that’s not really the point.

Thanks to Snowpacalypse 2010 I had the opportunity to play it a lot this week. As I did, I came across a couple of things that really irritate me in video games, and realized that those things have parallels in in D&D, and I might actually be guilty of doing them as a DM.