Opportunity Actions: Woot! Really? No, Really…

Looking at woot.com today for last-minute deals (didn’t really find any I could use, in case you’re curious), I found this little gem written by Randall Cleveland. Head over there if you like, but I’ll tell you: It’s a point-by-point breakdown comparing 4th Edition D&D to The Phantom Menace, and not exactly a glowing review of […]

Special Free Holiday Delve!

Holidays mean many things… family, joy, faith, thankfulness, and FREE DELVES!! I have been working on a secret project for all of you. Along with Tracy from the SarahDarkmagic Blog, Jeff from the Tome Show, and Jeremiah from McCoy’s Geeky Emporium of Thought, I have been writing a very special holiday delve for you. This […]

Revisiting the Sandbox: The Importance of Expectations

I was talking with some gaming friends the other day and the railroad was discussed. Later that day I was reading some threads on the RPGGeek forums and found a current discussion regarding railroading in your game. Since this topic seems to keep coming up, I decided to write down my thoughts once again, and […]

Information Bandwidth – WotC Virtual Table vs MapTools

So I got a Golden Ticket right before the American Thanksgiving.   (And if you’re wondering, yes, I got a golden chance to make my way.) I was lucky enough to get an invite to the WotC Virtual Table beta, and try out an encounter as a player in the new software as well as spend […]