Inspiration (D&D) and Obligation (FFG)

Caution! This is a long post (almost 5400 words) and I don’t have any fancy art to break up the text monotony – sorry! But still, please read this if you want to know why I love the Obligation mechanic and don’t love the Inspiration mechanic. TL;DR I do not use the Inspiration mechanic in […]

To Rest Or Not To Rest?

Right now my players are in a conundrum. They can’t decide whether to take a long rest, a short rest, or no rest at all. Here is the Situation The party is on a mission to kill the leader of a local goblin tribe which has been causing problems for the local village. The goblin […]

Initial Thoughts on the D&D 5e Basic PDF

I have been running the D&D 5e playtest for about a year and a half. I have lots of thoughts, but I am keeping them mostly to the contents of the just released basic pdf (noted on the cover as version 0.1). Sorry for the wall of text, but the product has no art, so […]