Meta-Gaming the Skill Check

One relatively common question from new DMs/GMs goes something like this: “How often should players be rolling a perception check?” or, put another way, “How many times do you allow PCs to search for something?” or, put yet another way, “If one player rolls low on their perception check, should you allow every other player to roll perception […]

Magic Items with Character

I’ve been doing a lot of prep for my D&D games lately and I have also been spending a bit of time over on the Troll Lord Games forums, talking about Castles & Crusades. One of the conversations revolved around magic items, so I have been thinking about magic items a great deal for the […]

#DNDNext Spellcasting. Making everyone happy by bridging editions?

Inspired by a number of D&DNext “I want” threads in reference to spellcasting, I had an idea. Many probably know that I’m protective of spellcasting classes, and a detractor of the old-style Vancian magic system. I far prefer 4E’s approach to magic that still rings of Vancian roots but moves away from it, albeit too […]

Roles, Classes, and Themes! Oh My! A #DnDNext conversation

I’m going to present a potentially radical idea that I’m sure many will scoff at, but it’s an idea that has been rolling around in my head for a while now. I’m no fan of Roles as they were presented in 4E, and I’ve made that fairly clear in a number of places over the […]