3 Ways To Make The End Of The Arc Awesome

On Friday night my face-to-face 4e D&D group met for the final session of the current campaign arc. This session is the culmination of 9 months of play for this small group and after this we are adding two new players (one brand new to D&D and one new to 4e). The group is in […]

Opportunity Actions: Dwarves of Shallowgorge – Campaign Builder

Deciding that it’s never too soon to turn a compelling story into a game, I’m moving forward with a campaign model involving miners trapped in a collapse. I’m going to walk through my process, detailing elements that inspire me. My next post about this will be an actual campaign outline going from start to finish.

Never Let Them Win!

– Even if we set aside the question of whether or not a player can actually win D&D, the title of this post makes a strong statement.  Today’s post is about the perils of invoking a railroad in order to tell a story you want the players to experience, and then letting the players win […]

Opportunity Actions: Hybridizing Gameplay

It’s tough. People’s schedules just don’t always line up the way we’d like them to. People move. People get married, have kids, and other things that make getting together less and less possible. So, what do you do? Many groups call it quits after they find they can’t get together once every week, month, or […]