A Different Sort of Background Bonus

The background bonuses introduced in the PHB2 are one of the best things about what is arguably one of the best D&D4e books. I have always endorsed the idea that players should get some kind of reward, even if only a small one for having a character background. Even if a player doesn’t expand or […]

Opportunity Actions: Races of Athas – Gnomes Revisited

Here I am, once again diving into a series. I want to go back to my Races of Athas series, and clean things up a bit. I’ve had some time to think about a few of these, and I think I can improve on what I’ve written. I hope you see these as improvements, too. […]

Opportunity Actions: Put Down The Dice!

This past weekend, I ran Encounters at PAX East. I had the time of my life. It felt like DM Boot Camp, and, in a lot of ways, it truly was. I ran one group after another, watching different players create different group dynamics, frequently with the same group of characters. Seeing these different interpretations […]