Roles, Classes, and Themes! Oh My! A #DnDNext conversation

I’m going to present a potentially radical idea that I’m sure many will scoff at, but it’s an idea that has been rolling around in my head for a while now. I’m no fan of Roles as they were presented in 4E, and I’ve made that fairly clear in a number of places over the […]

The In Thing To Do

Okay, so everyone on the internet is doing it, why not me. Time for me to do my D&D Next article. First, let me say, that this will be my one and only D&D Next article until we get much closer to the release…the release that does not have a date at this time. It […]

Homebrew: Dragon Spirit Pact Hexblade

Dragon Spirit Pact is a reflavoring of the Infernal Pact for the Hexblade Warlock. This generally involves changing the power names and flavor text, but I made some slight mechanical changes to try and fit the flavor better. Since I’m attempting to emulate a metallic Spirit Wyrm (see below the cut), I generally changed powers […]

Dazed and Confused

It has been a while since I’ve been able to play any D&D, but that hasn’t stopped me from thinking about it every day. Something that I’ve made a stink about in the past and which still tweaks my nerves is the subject of the conditions labeled “Dazed” and “Stunned.” I think I may have […]