The Recycle Bin – ME2: Starting with the End

Ever get obsessive about a game?  Not just “This is the best game of the year” level but spending every last waking moment either playing the game or thinking about playing the game when you can’t be playing the game?  This winter break my buddy and I probably played 60 games of the board game […]

The Recycle Bin – Final Fantasy 8 and OMG TEH SATAN!!

November 16, 2010.  Since there’s nothing else going on today, nothing note worthy at all in any way shape or form, I figured I’d at least give the community something to talk about. And I think I’ll talk about the evils of rolling dice. Now, don’t get me wrong, nothing beats a handful of polyheardals […]

The Recycle Bin – Smash TV, 4e, and The Short Rest

“Good luck.  You’ll need it.” You darn kids who won’t get off my lawn might not recall hearing a synthesized, original-series-Cylon-like voice shout that admonishment at you, won’t recall the odd pause between the sentences that almost veered into Antici…pation territory.  Won’t recall seeing the arcade game speaking this strange tongue with two joysticks for […]

The Recycle Bin – Up the Citadel Tower

In the tabletop world of 4e, there are plenty of factors a DM has to consider when making an exciting encounter.  The type, role, and number of monsters, the terrain the encounter occurs on or in, where the PCs and NPCs are placed when initiative is rolled, the resources the PCs should be expected to […]