The Recycle Bin – ME2: Waist High Walls Grant +2 to Initiative

There’s a lot of shooter video games out there these days, Call of Duties, Gears of War, Uncharteds, and yes, even my beloved Mass Effect. Most of these use some sort of cover system popularized with the original Gears of War. Gone are the days of just jumping around like a coffeed up Tigger in […]

The Recycle Bin – ME2: All Your Base

(Note: I’ve kept this post spoiler free, for those of you still playing or who have not yet played) Something I’ve always wanted to do was run an entire game located in one city.  Everything, from level 1 until the level cap would take place in some sort of steampunkish fantasy version of New York.  […]

The Recycle Bin – ME2: Starting with the End

Ever get obsessive about a game?  Not just “This is the best game of the year” level but spending every last waking moment either playing the game or thinking about playing the game when you can’t be playing the game?  This winter break my buddy and I probably played 60 games of the board game […]

The Recycle Bin – Final Fantasy 8 and OMG TEH SATAN!!

November 16, 2010.  Since there’s nothing else going on today, nothing note worthy at all in any way shape or form, I figured I’d at least give the community something to talk about. And I think I’ll talk about the evils of rolling dice. Now, don’t get me wrong, nothing beats a handful of polyheardals […]