The Recycle Bin – Smash TV, 4e, and The Short Rest

“Good luck.  You’ll need it.” You darn kids who won’t get off my lawn might not recall hearing a synthesized, original-series-Cylon-like voice shout that admonishment at you, won’t recall the odd pause between the sentences that almost veered into Antici…pation territory.  Won’t recall seeing the arcade game speaking this strange tongue with two joysticks for […]

The Recycle Bin – Up the Citadel Tower

In the tabletop world of 4e, there are plenty of factors a DM has to consider when making an exciting encounter.  The type, role, and number of monsters, the terrain the encounter occurs on or in, where the PCs and NPCs are placed when initiative is rolled, the resources the PCs should be expected to […]

The Recycle Bin – Essentials: Shell Creatures

Last time I gave a bunch of rules for Shell Creatures, which had a bunch of mechanics to mirror the Stagger system of Final Fantasy 13. It was a bit complicated, which in my defense was because I was trying to mimic something from a Final Fantasy game. A few comments and a playtest or […]

The Recycle Bin – Shell Creatures

I’m not a very original person.  Creative, possibly, but not original.  I took to heart what my 12th grade English teacher Virginia Olga Wortinski told me all those years ago, “Little ones, there are no new ideas.  Everything’s already been thought of by people smarter and better than you.”   Vow, as she asked we called […]